Sleeves 200 Hp - 300 Hp


How to use this chart:

Depending on the damage or the diameter of your bore after you cut or remove the old sleeve, you may need an oversize sleeve.

Understand that the all the models on the left before the blank divider will take the part numbers on the right depending on what size OD sleeve you need to make the repair correctly.

Code: CH=Chrome
AC=Alloy-Chrome Bore RS=Replacement sleeve
Cl=Cast in Sleeve Liner CS=Cast Sleeve
NK=Nikasil CC=Original Barrel is Cast Iron


Model   Year  Cyl. Bore
Sleeve Description Thickness O.D. Sleeve
Type Brand  Part No. 
220 hp LazerXRI 89-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in, with finger portsn 1/8" 3-5/8" 5.550" AC La Sleeve L072OB
220 hp LazerXRI 89-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in, with finger ports - 3.565" 5.550" AC Advanced 1077SA
220 hp LazerXRI 89-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in, with finger ports - 2.585" 5.550" AC Advanced 1077SB
2.4L Bridged Exhaust 78-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 3-9/16" 5.550" AC La Sleeve LA055OB
2.4L Bridged Exhaust 78-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.565" 5.550" AC Advanced 1047SA
2.4L Bridged Exhaust 78-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.585" 5.550" AC Advanced 1047SB
2.4L Bridged Exhaust 78-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Flaneged sleeve, with ports cut in, same as LA055OB - 3.565" 5.500" AC Advanced 1047FA
2.4L Bridged Exhaust 78-91 6 3-3/8"(86mm) Flaneged sleeve, with ports cut in, same as LA055OB - 3.585" 5.500" AC Advanced 1047FB
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports, (Replacement Sleeve) 3/32" 3.693" 5.275" RS La Sleeve LA079OB
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports, (Replacement Sleeve) - 3.693" 5.275" RS Advanced 1041SA
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports, (Replacement Sleeve) - 3.713" 5.275" RS Advanced 1041SB
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, O.D>+.020 with ports, same as LA079OB 3/32" 3.710" 5.270" RS La Sleeve FL081OB
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, O.D>+.020 with ports, same as LA079OB - 3.693" 5.270" RS Advanced 1041FA
2.5L XRI 92-93 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, O.D>+.020 with ports, same as LA079OB - 3.713" 5.270" RS Advanced 1041FB
2.5L 96-99 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. Has exhaust notch 3/32" 3.692" 4.890" RS La Sleeve LA151OB
2.5L 96-99 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. Has exhaust notch - 3.693" 4.890" RS Advanced 1095SA
2.5L 96-99 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. Has exhaust notch - 3.731" 4.890" RS Advanced 1095SB
200 hp 3.0L 99(185C.I.) Optimax 98-00 6 3.625"(92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. No exhaust port relief notch 1/8" 3.692" 6.197" RS La Sleeve L184OB
3.0L V6 Optimax   6 3.625"(92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 3.886" 6.197" RS La Sleeve L154OB
3.0L V6 Optimax   6 3.625"(92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.884" 6.197" RS Advanced 1073SA
3.0L V6 Optimax   6 3.625"(92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.904" 6.197" RS Advanced 1073SB
2.5L EFI 2.5L MOD VP 91-92 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. For Nikasil block 1/8" 3.850" 4.896" AC La Sleeve L096OB
2.5L 93-94 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, with ports cut in. For Nikasil block 1/8" 3.850" 4-7/8" AC La Sleeve FL099OB
225 hp 78-82 6 3.375 (86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.4L w/o Boost ports   3.565" 4-7/8" Chrm Advanced 1048SA
225 hp 78-82 6 3.375 (86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.4L w/o Boost ports   3.585" 4-7/8" Chrm Advanced 1048SB
225 hp 78-82 6 3.375 (86mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.4L w/o Boost ports   3.628" 4-7/8" Chrm Advanced 1048SC
225 hp 78-82 6 3.375 (86mm) Flanged sleeve, with ports 2.4L w/o Boost ports   3.565" 4-7/8" Chrm Advanced 1048FA
225 hp Optimax 2001 6 3.625" (92mm)  Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS La Sleeve L182OB
3.0L (185C.I.) 3032cc 2001 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS La Sleeve L183OB
225 hp 3.0L 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 3.886" 6.197" RS La Sleeve L132OB
225 hp PROMAX 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 3.693" 5.275" RS La Sleeve LA165OB
225 hp PROMAX 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.693" 5.275" RS Advanced 1092SA
225 hp PROMAX 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.713" 5.275" RS Advanced 1092SB
225 hp PROMAX 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.730" 5.275" RS Advanced 1092SC
225 hp3.0L Optimax 99-01 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports no exhaust notch   3.884" 6.195" RS Advanced 1164SA
225 hp3.0L Optimax 99-01 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports no exhaust notch   3.904" 6.195" RS Advanced 1164SB
3.0L 225 hp 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 3.886" 6.197" RS La Sleeve L132OB
3.0L 225 hp 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.884" 6.197" RS Advanced 1073SA
3.0L 225 hp 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.904" 6.197" RS Advanced 1073SB
240 hp EFI 2.5L 2000 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 3.694" 5.335" RS La Sleeve LA175OB
245 hp 2.5L (153 C.I.) 96-00 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. Original sleeve is Aluminium 3/32" 3.825" 4.925" RS/AC La Sleeve L153OB
260 hp 2.5L (153 C.I.) 96-00 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in. Original sleeve is Aluminium 3/32" 3.825" 4.925" RS/AC La Sleeve L153OB
250 hp Optimax 01-04 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS La Sleeve L182OB
250 hp Optimax 01-04 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS Port 1178PSA
3.0L V(185C.E.) 3032cc 01-04 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS La Sleeve L183OB
3.0L V(185C.E.) 3032cc 01-04 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 6.197" 3.886" RS Star 1178SSA
250 hp 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.0L   3.884"   RS Advanced 1073SA
250 hp 94-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.0L   3.904"   RS Advanced 1073SB
250 hp 90-93 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.4L Cosworth Block   3.945"   Chrm Advanced 1099SA
250 hp 90-93 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.4L Cosworth Block   3.965"   Chrm Advanced 1099SB
250 hp 2001 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.0L   3.884"   RS Advanced 1164SA
250 hp 2001 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 3.0L   3.904"   RS Advanced 1164SB
250XS hp 3.0L Optimax 2003 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports, Top to desk 1.760", Bottom to desk 3.055", Width 2.355   3.884" 6.195" RS Port 1175PSA
3.4L 275 hp 83-85 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 3-15/16" 4" AC La Sleeve LA015OB
3.4L 275 hp 88-89 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 3/32" 6.700" 4" AC La Sleeve L015OB
3.4L 250, 275 hp 90-93 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.945" 6.700" AC Advanced 1099SA
3.4L 250, 275 hp 90-93 6 3.740" (95mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in - 3.965" 6.700" AC Advanced 1099SB
300 hp S3000 RACE 96-00 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 3.850" 4.950" AC La Sleeve L164OB
260 hp 91-97 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.5L OffShore Casst Iron Replacement sleeve   3.821" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1053SA
260 hp 91-97 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.5L OffShore Casst Iron Replacement sleeve   3.841" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1053SB
260 hp 91-97 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports 2.5L OffShore Casst Iron Replacement sleeve   3.861" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1053SC
260 hp 91-97 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, with ports 2.5L OffShore Casst Iron Replacement sleeve   3.821" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1053FA
260 hp 91-97 6 3.500"(89mm) Flanged sleeve, with ports 2.5L OffShore Casst Iron Replacement sleeve   3.841" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1053FB
275 hp 90-93 6 3.740" Straight sleeve, with ports 3.4L Cosworth Block   3.945" 6.700" Chrm Advanced 1099SA
275 hp 90-93 6 3.740" Straight sleeve, with ports 3.4L Cosworth Block   3.965" 6.700" Chrm Advanced 1099SB
280 hp 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports Cast Iron Replacement Sleeve   3.821" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1100SA
280 hp 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports Cast Iron Replacement Sleeve   3.841" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1100SB
280 hp 98-04 6 3.500"(89mm) Straight sleeve, with ports Cast Iron Replacement Sleeve   3.861" 6.700" RS/NK Advanced 1100SC
300 hp PROMAX 98-00 6 3.625" (92mm) Straight sleeve, with ports cut in 1/8" 3.886" 6.197" RS/NK La Sleeve L166OB